Randy W. Mann
After receiving his Masters degree in Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science in 1982 from Notre Dame University, Randy joined the IBM technology development team in Essex Junction, VT. He worked for 25 years in the advanced silicon technology development group with IBM. He has 79 US patents and 48 technical papers in the field of semiconductor devices, microelectronic structures, circuits, processes and SRAM. His expertise includes process integration, semiconductor device physics, materials science, yield learning, high performance logic development, Iddq analysis, DRAM and SRAM technology. He played a key role in the 130nm and, as an IBM STSM, in the 65nm technology development at the IBM SRDC in East Fishkill, NY. Randy obtained his doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the University of Virginia in 2010 and is now with GlobalFoundries in E.Fishkill, and Malta, NY. Member IEEE.